As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

{Gathering the Moments} May

(Click ~here~ for music.)*

When all Thy mercies, O my God,
My rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love and praise.

 Unnumbered comforts to my soul
Thy tender care bestowed,
Before my infant heart conceived
From whom those comforts flowed.

When worn with sickness, oft hast Thou
With health renewed my face;
And, when in sins and sorrows sunk,
Revived my soul with grace.

Through every period of my life
Thy goodness I’ll pursue

And after death, in distant worlds,
The glorious theme renew.

As I gather the moments of May, 
as I "survey His mercies
His "unnumbered comforts"...

indeed my heart is "lost in wonder, love, and praise"!

*"When All Thy Mercies, O My God," lyrics by Joseph Addison, 1712; recorded by Fernando Ortega, 2003.

Again with this month, I am inviting you to join me in "gathering the moments." You may wish to share two or three photos, or several collages, or bunches of photos...with words, or without words. The link-up below will be a gathering place for us to reflect and share and connect. (The link-up will stay open for a week, so you have plenty of time to gather.)

Thinking About Home

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Because I am off fishing today, I have linked without participating. Beautiful restful music. Beautiful, life-affirming, faith-filled words today. Like balm to the soul.

  2. What great pictures of your month, Cheryl, and soul-stirring words that point us to the Giver of life! I am moved to think more deeply on my blessings today.

  3. Beautiful!

    I'll try to link today. I'm worried I only have photos of painted furniture! lol.


  4. Lovely music and reflections. Looks like May was full for you and yours. Time will tell if I can gather up my thoughts! Blessings...

  5. Your pictures speak volumes. And I love the words you did use! Thanks for encouraging us to think back on the month.

  6. What a beautiful and interesting life you are leading your family with! I know you feel the blessings and they are so blessed to have you.

  7. You are a great example to your children Cheryl, teaching them the most important things in life are your love for God and your family.
    I turned the music on as you suggested and listened as I read through your beautiful post on May.
    Thank you for hosting.

  8. Beautiful Cheryl, I really like the addition of the music, it was a lovely way to stroll through your moments. It's these small moments that make up the fabric of our live, I love how you have gathered them together.


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