And so we have come to the last of these thirty-one days. Thirty-one days to think about celebrations
and the part that they play in our lives.
I also hope that you will make time to celebrate. I know that we are busy...busy making a living, busy raising a family, busy keeping a house, busy in a myriad of ways. But I think that it is important to celebrate. Celebrate in a big way or a small way. Celebrate a birthday with a big bash, or with a simple meal. Celebrate an anniversary with a getaway, or with a card and a kiss. Celebrate a major milestone of graduation or a wedding. Celebrate a first tooth or a loose tooth. Celebrate a friendship with an outing, or a phone call. Celebrate His provision. Celebrate the first day of school, and the last day of school. Celebrate the end of something unpleasant. Celebrate a new beginning. Celebrate the loss of 5 pounds. Celebrate the memory of a life lived for the Savior. Celebrate family. Celebrate the first day of spring, or the first frost. Celebrate the big days. Celebrate an ordinary day. Celebrate an answered prayer. Raise an Ebenezer.
Always with gratitude. Always acknowledging a loving Father.
Because thou hast been my help,
therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.
Psalm 63:7
This is Day 31, the final day, in the series CeLeBRaTe!! Click ~here~ to see more.